
Import your bank movements to help reconciliating activities.


Movements are money transfer in or out an Account. They are the lines on your bank account statement, on your neo-bank mobile app, on your investment account summary, … Here are some examples:


Movements are here to help you check that you created all the activities that happened with the right amount.

Not all accounts are able to give you movements. You can choose to enable or disable movements requirements for any account you have by going in the settings.


A movement has the following properties:

  • An account to which it is linked. A movement is always linked to an account.
  • A name which corresponds to the account system name (like the examples above).
  • A date that is filled by the account system and represents when the movements happened.
  • An amount, that can be positive if money is credited, or negative if money is debited from the account.

Here is an example:

Movement example
Bank account

Movements reconciliation

Movements need to be linked to activities in the Reconciliation phase. You can link several activities for each movement by splitting the amount of the movement between activities.

Therefore, there is a check on the total amount linked for each movement. If the sum of amount linked does not match the movement amount, the system will tell you something is wrong.


Importing movements

The best way to create movements is to import them by bulk. You can start the process by clicking on the Import movements button on the movements page. We currently accept CSV files only, as they are usually exported from traditionnal bank systems.

The CSV file must respect the standard format: values separated by commas, with quotes around them if needed.

On the dialog, select your account, and map the name, date and amount fields. You get a preview of what we understand of your CSV to help you troubleshoot issues. You can then click on Import to start the import.


To make it easier to import movements, you can import several times the same file all and over again. We check if the movement (account, name, date and amount) is already existing in your workspace, and if it is the case we skip the import of this movement.

This can have side effects if you spent the exact same amount at the same place the same day multiple times (as it will create multiple movements that look alike). In this case you should rename your movements to avoid de-duplication handling.

Creating a movement

You can also decide to create a movement manually by clicking on the plus button on the top right of the activity page. Fill in the account, name, date and amount and click on Create to create your movement.

Modifying a movement

To modify a movement’s date or amount, click on a movement and edit them directly in the dialog.

Deleting a movement

To delete a movement, click on a movement to open a dialog, and click on the three dots button in the top right. Click on Delete to delete a movement. Deleting a movement will delete all movement link but will not impact any activity or transaction.