
Analyse your finance period by period to understand it better.


Periods allow you to analyse your financial data month by month. It features the total of expense, revenue, investment and the resulting balance of each month.


On a period view, you can either choose to display activities or movements. By default, activities are showed first. To change the view, click on the corresponding button on the right of the top bar, or in the menu on mobile.

Period summary

A period summary can be found in the right panel, which can be toggled by the button in the top bar on the right. On this summary, you will find your total balance evolution but also a summary of both your activities and your accounts.


You will find in the activities section a summary of each activity type: Revenue, Expense and Investment. In each type, you will find the sum of each category and subcategories associated.

Click on an activity type, a category or a subcategory to quickly filter the activities panel. Click again to clear this quick filter. This filter does not appear in you view filters and will not clear them if you clear it.


The accounts section will sum up all your accounts, showing their balance at the beginning of the period and their evolution to the end of the period.

Click on an account to quickly filter activities with at least a transaction featuring this account. This will automatically trigger the display of the transactions below activities, which can be toggled off by clicking on the icon in the top bar.

This quick filter will also filter the movements in their view.